Photoshop Emotion Poster Project

For my 2D Digital Imaging class we were to make a series of 3 Posters representing 3 emotions. I choose the emotions passion, ecstatic, and fearful. I felt these three emotions would make great visual posters.

For my passion poster I wanted to do something very iconic and energetic. After this last summer I have started DJ’ing parties with a friend from work. Music has always been one of my strongest passions and DJ’ing is a way I can share that passion with others. So for my poster I wanted to created and image that would sow that passion and energy I have while DJ’ing. The image of the heart was perfect to represent passion and the headphones representing the music. I choose several colors for the blood rather than red to give it a happy energetic feeling rather than bloody gore. The yellow background was the best color to show energy and excitement, and allowed the vibrant colors of blood stand out.

For my ecstatic poster I wanted to show something with a lot of energy and power. I decided to make a poster of one of my favorite musicians named Deadmau5. I went to one of his concerts and the music and performance was so powerful and energetic that I wanted to portray that in my poster. I used pictures I took at his concert and added some lighting effects to give it energy and power. I also added my hand and a ticket to show that it was the concert I was at.

For  my fearful poster wanted to show the one thing that scares me most, death. I wanted to represent death by foreshadowing it, since it is inevitable. The best way to show that was by using a mirror. I wanted to show myself dieing in a sense, so I used the image of a skull with a black cloud overcoming by body. The dark could like effect was to represent death taking my body. It is a dark image, but it provokes such a strong emotion.

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